Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rebel Heart by Moira Young

Rebel Heart (Dust Land #2)
by Moira Young

ebook, 234 pages

cerita buku kedua ini cukup berbeda dengan buku yang pertama... bahasanya juga berasa lebih enak dibaca… mungkin karena udah mulai kebiasa juga sih… walaupun kalau dari sisi actionnya lebih seru buku yang pertama... menurutku buku kedua ini lebih mengaduk2 perasaan... and i can't keep my mind off since i finished reading the book...

aku jadi ikutan galau... (._.')

gimana gak, karakter yang aku harapkan bakalan muncul lagi memang muncul tapi bener2 mengejutkan...

he's so sweet yet he's so evil! >,<

don't get me wrong... aku tetep lebih seneng Saba sama Jack [ooohhh... why is the name keep coming as Jack XD - akan ada berapa banyak tokoh cowok dengan nama Jack sih? :d ]

didn't i always tipped you that i wrote spoilers? :D

but, DeMalo... is a mysterious man, and he is hopelessly romantic...
have a romantic dream together with Saba... so gentle to Saba and never force Saba...
it's true that Saba came to him freely...
ooohh... it's just broke my heart that they couldn't be together... because he is an evil man...
an evil man with a dream...

and Jack... i mean... i guess he is true selfish...
he should've thought that Saba is traveling with her family... and Saba is not alone... and Saba might not make it if she's alone...
what did he meant by giving her heartstone to Maev, making a timeline and everything but somehow didn't even make it to the meeting point... - bwat apa coba! doh!

i hate him for that...
i mean i hate the author for that... gak ada cara lain apa untuk bikin Saba balik ke New Eden?
sekarang baru berasa kalo bagian ini maksa banget...

and what's up with Tommo anyway?
and why the hell Saba was kissing him?
i mean isn't it enough trouble already... and the love triangle and everything?
but i have a feeling that he's been saved for the next story with his father or family... and because it's him right? the one who seeing Saba and Jack together...

and Lugh?
i know he has a problem and he won't tell Saba about it... but i don't think he has the right to blame Saba for what happened... he can't!
who's the one who turns away when Maev still alive?

alright... now about the story...
you may read my review on the Blood Red Road book on my previous review...

after her effort to safe her brother, Lugh, who was kidnapped, Saba with Lugh, Emmi & Tommo were headed west to the Big Water... a new place to start their new life together...
however, they're kinda lost and Saba is having a hard time to cope her guilty feeling of killing people..
then out of nowhere a wolfdog was coming, it's their friend's dog..
Trackers is his name, lead them to Auriel, a shaman to can see everything, the future and the past.. she mends Saba..
then Maev, a warrior who helped Saba fighting to get Lugh, came bringing bad news and Saba's heartstone which she's given to Jack so that Jack could find her..

a heartstone is a stone which becomes hot where we're near by to the one of our heart's desire, it will lead you to your heart's desire

Maev said Jack is becoming the bad people but Saba refused to believe and came to meet Jack as his message to Maev..

just like in the first book, Saba has a dream.. and it's happening..
but when her heartstone is warm and becoming hot.. she thought she's going to see Jack.. but she's meeting DeMalo instead.. what's that
supposed to mean? i have no idea..

but if i'm thinking about DeMalo it's kinda sad..

once he said to Saba..

You amaze me, he says. We’re perfect together. He turns my head to the side. Touches his lips to the back of my neck. Your first-time mark, he whispers. You chose me to put it there. Above all others, you chose me.

You gave yourself to me, he says. And I gave myself to you. Freely. Not just our bodies, it’s more than that. Much more. You felt it too. I know you did. We’re going to be so beautiful together, he whispers. So perfectly beautiful. In our perfectly beautiful, perfect new world.

Saba? she's just being selfish... >.<

and i gave it 4 and a half out of 5 stars... for being like and a bit don't like at the same time...

We don’t choose the times we’re born in, he says. That’s the business of the stars. The only choice we got is what we do while we’re here. To make it mean somethin. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green

ebooks, 313 pages

since I postponed my review on the Checkmate, then I also postponed to write review for this book...

I kinda forgot the details and mixed up with the movie "Now is Good"… but I hope I'm not… (._.')

well, the message is clear… "Life is short, even when you're ill, don't waste your life…"
and that was for me… what I've been telling to myself… when I'm frown over something that you've been wasting your time from Monday to Friday, from 8 to 5… that you just can't waste more beyond that over some stupid things like the husband is keeping you too long to wait for him to pick you up… oops! that's too much blabbering! :D

I should've written those on my other blog… *shame on me! :d

anyway, I should back to my review… again, the book is a good reminder…
that life is too short..
that even when you've been told that you have a shorter time to live, you just can't tell exactly when you're going to die… and before you die, you just have to live your life and care to the ones that you love…

that's what Hazel Grace do after she met Augustus…

Hazel Grace met Augustus in a Support Group, Hazel is a cancer patient and Augustus is supposed a cancer survivor…
but destiny said differently that Hazel while was still sick, has to live through the loss of Augustus…
even though Hazel don't wanna hurt Augustus [because she thought she'll be leaving Augustus behind], Augustus still insisted on loving her…

these what he said to her:

"I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true thing. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will shallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you."

so sweet.. :)

Hazel loves poetry and makes me wish I love poetry too, it seems that our education systems was lack of making me love poetry more…

since Hazel always wanted to meet her favorite author, Augustus used his Wish to go to Netherlands with her to meet the author…
and Armsterdams is described so beautifully there, and definitely is going to be one of my dream destinations…

I don't know… I can't say much about the book, it is a good written, though Hazel is not die (yet), somehow the story just broke your heart but you can't feel sad because she is not die (yet)… and you just can't feel sad because it's just a fiction story, right?

and again, it told us that we have our choices in whatever circumstance we're in life…

I hope we're all make the best of choice in our life :)

I gave it 4 out of 5 stars...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Checkmate by R.L. Mathewson

Checkmate (A Neighbor from Hell #3)
by R.L. Mathewson

ebook, 350 pages

wow! it's been almost 2 weeks since i finished reading the book and i haven't made the review... sampe hampir lupa ceritanya apaan... :d
soalnya ada buku satu lagi yang blum dibikin review-nya juga... :D

anyway... this third book is quite different from the first two books, especially the second book...
disini ceweknya... keren! cakep & sexy... dan cowoknya juga keren abis...
dan cowoknya... beneath the bad attitude is very sweet... >.<

sebenernya sih gak bisa dibilang dia punya bad attitude or something like that... tapi entah kenapa sejak kecil mereka selalu berantem, setiap hari, saling bales2an...
jadi inget dulu ada serial di majalah trus diterbitin novelnya juga... Rasta & Bella... :)

bisa dibilang si cowoknya, Connor O'Neil is fell in love instantly to Rory James at the first time he saw her in kindergarten... so sweet isn't it?

tapi entah kenapa, karena keisengan Connor dan Rory yang juga gak mau kalah, hubungan mereka jadi sedikit kacau balau... sampai akhirnya mereka harus kerja bareng...
sebenernya sih mereka gak ada niatan sama sekali bwat kerja bareng, malah sebenernya mereka mau saling ngejegal dan ngerebut kerjaan itu...

tapi... karena kecelakaan, Rory jatuh di basement yang ambruk dan patah tangan, Rory dan Connor jadi deket, karena Connor jadi ngejagain Rory yang sangat keras kepala ngerasa bisa ngerawat dirinya sendiri...

dengan semakin deketnya mereka berdua, Connor jadi inget klo dia sebenernya masih selalu cinta sama Rory... dan kita jadi bisa liat klo sejak dulu, sejak mereka kecil bahkan klo Connor itu selalu ngejagain Rory... terutama dari cowok2 bajingan yang ngedeketin Rory [walaupun sebenernya Rory punya 5 orang kakak laki2 yang sangar... ;-) ]

I really love Connor in this book, he's just so sweet... sometimes, he even doesn't realise that he's sweet... beda sama Trevor yang kadang suka kaya' berbangga hati klo melakukan kebaikan untuk Zoe...

dan Rory... eehhmmm disamping keras kepala, kupikir dia juga agak buta... masa' sih... ada cowok ganteng yang cinta mati sama dia dan dia sama sekali gak sadar? >.<
haadduuuhhh... malah sibuk sendiri...

tapi emang sih ada kejadian salah paham yang bikin dia sakit hati sama Connor, yang sebenernya kalo aja dia mau cari tau... maksudnya sejak dulu... dia akan tau klo Connor itu berjasa banget karena bener2 melindungi dia...

Rory-nya malah lebih fokus ke pertarungan mereka, tapi emang parah sih klo mereka berantem... :d

I guess I love this book most and I gave it 4 out of 5 stars... :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Perfection by R.L. Mathewson

Perfection (A Neighbor from Hell #2)
by R.L. Mathewson

ebook, 219 pages

sebenernya sudah selesai baca buku ini minggu lalu… tapi baru sempet nulis reviewnya hari ini... karena... gimana ya? dibilang gak bagus… I did enjoyed my self reading this book, buku ini cukup menghibur… bacanya gak terlalu maksain banget… walaupun ceritanya agak… terlalu biasa aja…

I gave it 3 out of 5 stars… for just liking the book…

ceritanya tentang Zoe O'Shea dan Trevor Bradford…

Zoe… menurutku pengarangnya agak terlalu "sadis" untuk karakter Zoe ini… bukan cuma digambarin biasa aja, Zoe ini awalnya gemuk, dan sangat2 kurang percaya diri… kaya'nya baru sekali ini, peran utamanya gak digambarkan sebagai perempuan cantik… aku sih emang dapet poinnya… tapi… gimana yaaa… rasanya jadi kasian aja gitu… (--")
oh iya… dia juga cerita yatim piatu… >.<

Zoe karena terlalu bermulut besar, ngebongkar kasus korupsi dikantornya… yang korupsi adalah istri komisaris (klo gak salah), ya gak heran sih klo akhirnya dia di pecat…

akhirnya setelah hari yang sangat menyebalkan, dia gak tahan juga sama tetangga apartemennya yang ngambil pesenan pizza deliverynya…

jadi klo aku ngebayanginnya sih, rumahnya itu sebenernya lebih kaya' satu bagunan yang didalamnya ada 2 unit apartemen, karena Trevor cuma tinggal di satu unit, tantenya Trevor (ibunya Jason, masih inget kan?) bilang akan kasih apartemennya ke salah satu sepupunya Trevor, karena Trevor gak mau, akhirnya disewainlah, sewanya murah, tapi syaratnya banyak…

Zoe yang nyari apartemen murah, karena gajinya kecil, nyewa apartemen itu… tanpa tau kalo Trevor si tetangganya itu sebenernya pemilik rumahnya… sebenernya Zoe agak gak tahan sama Trevor, karena Trevor sering ngambil korannya dia, suka ngabisin air panas [kaya'nya kapasitas terbatas, jadi klo udah dipake salah satu, yang laen mesti nunggu dulu… atau terpaksa pake air dingin, dan airnya pun jadi kecil…], dan hal2 lain yang nyebelin, kaya' nonton film porno kenceng2 atau ribut2 sama temen2nya...

anyway, di hari naas itu… akhirnya Zoe ketemu sama Trevor dan Trevor ngajak ngomong Zoe… Zoe yang seneng karena dapet temen ngobrol, cerita ke Trevor klo dia baru aja dipecat…

lalu Trevor ngasih Zoe rekomendasi untuk kerja di perusahaan konstruksi pamannya, Jared (bapaknya Jason), Trevor kerja disitu juga…
dan Trevor ngasih Zoe kerja part time untuk bersih2 di apartemennya dia, dan belanja kebutuhan Trevor…

Zoe mau dan diterima kerja di perusahaan konstruksi juga…

lalu mereka mulai deket, Trevor itu ceritanya ganteng banget… dan as a Bradford he got a really big appetite… Trevor ini sepupu Jason, tapi ditinggal pergi sama bapaknya waktu umur 16 tahun, sebelumnya kaya'nya bapaknya ini juga sudah pisah sama ibunya.

Trevor itu dyslexia, jadi dia harus sekolah di kelas khusus, dan bapaknya malu dengan keadaan dia… jadi dia berenti sekolah, lalu setelah dikasih pilihan sama paman Jared, dia kerja di perusahaan konstruksi pamannya, dan sekolah malam untuk dapetin ijazah… sampai dia akhirnya dewasa, bisa nabung, punya beberapa rumah yang dia sewain…

tadinya Trevor lumayan deket sama Jason, karena kecilnya bareng2, tapi Trevor agak iri sama Jason, karena Jason anaknya pinter, apalagi setelah Jason married sama Haley, Trevor ngerasa untuk gak cocok sama Jason…

Trevor ini orangnya agak sombong, bukan agak sih… emang sombong yaaa… pikirannya itu dia yang sepertinya selalu berbuat kebaikan sama Zoe, sejak ngerasa ngerekomendasiin Zoe untuk dapet kerjaan, ngasih kerja tambah bwat Zoe, sampai akhirnya ngasih perjajian bwat pacaran tanpa ikatan sama Zoe…

back again ke Zoe, setelah kerja di perusahaan paman Jared, Zoe merasa dia harus mulai berubah… dia mulai diet ketat, setelah merasa dietnya berhasil, dia mau coba mulai kencan lagi…
dia pergi ke bar dan nyari cowok yang mau tidur sama dia…

si Trevor malam itu pergi ke bar yang sama, karena si Zoe mabuk, kebanyakan minum si Trevor nganterin dia pulang, dan ngasih penawaran untuk pacaran tanpa ikatan…

jadi kapanpun mereka mau, mereka bisa tidur bareng… tapi selama mereka dalam perjanjian, mereka gak boleh berhubungan sama orang lain, dan kapan pun mereka mau, mereka bisa ngebatalin perjanjian itu…

Trevor ini sebenernya mulai suka sama Zoe, karena dinding kamar mereka bersebelahan dan gak kedap suara, setiap malam Zoe ngebacain Trevor "Twilight"… yep, that particular "Twilight" saga… :D
tadinya diiming2in ada adegan seksnya… tapi sebenernya Trevor seneng dibacain sama Zoe, toh dia gak akan bisa baca buku itu…
jadi setiap malam mereka punya ritual baca buku dan setiap pagi Zoe akan nyiapin Trevor sandwich untuk makan siang dia…

Zoe yang desperate karena udah gak pernah berhubungan seks selama 5 tahun, ngerasa seneng banget dapet tawaran perjanjian itu sama Trevor, gimana engga… Trevor itu cowok paling diincer di kota, karena ganteng…

yaaa… disini I get the author's point… who wouldn't want to have no string attach relationship with a handsome man, while we are just ordinary person… maksudnya yaaa… karena Zoe emang biasa, cenderung gemuk… walaupun mereka harus nyembunyiin hubungan mereka dari orang2…

well… sampai akhirnya ada perasaan lebih kan…
Trevor dengan sombongnya, sedikit maksa supaya Zoe pindah ke apartemennya dia, karena dia ngerasa harusnya Zoe seneng, dia mau melangkah ke jenjang hubungan yang berikutnya... sedangkan Zoe gak mau, karena aneh aja gitu… diluar bilangnya gak pacaran, tapi koq trus tinggal bareng…
Trevor sendiri… sama sekali gak nyadar…

dan akhirnya Zoe ketauan hamil [yang walaupun selalu pake pengaman, tapi kecolongan juga ;-) ]… dan Trevor pengen nikahin dia, karena dia ngerasa gak bisa pisah sama Zoe… karena akhirnya Trevor sadar klo dia cinta sama Zoe...
Zoe tadinya sih gak mau… karena dia gak ngerasa Trevor cinta dia…

yaaa… akhirnya sih Zoenya mau, mereka nikah, anaknya kembar…
trus beberapa tahun kemudian… mereka punya anak lagi, kembar lagi… :D

yang menyenangkan, tetep bagian keluarga besar Bradford-nya, tentang kelaparan, rebutan makanan, di-banned di rumah makan all you can eat, tingkahnya Jason yang muncul juga di cerita ini... jadi settingnya adalah setelah Jason married dan antara anak pertama dan kedua Jason, epilognya sama dengan buku pertama, yaitu pesta perayaan pernikahan Jason & Haley ke-10 :D
dan aku cukup seneng karena ada cerita dari sisi Trevor juga... walaupun kadang jadi sebel juga karena jadi ngerasa pengen nonjok si Trevor karena egonya dia... :d

i've finished reading the thirdbook "Checkmate", later tomorrow I'll the review… :)