Monday, March 31, 2014

The Associate by John Grisham


The Associate 
by John Grisham

Paperback, 384 pages

after a while it's nice to read John Grisham's again... one of my favorite's author, more about memory of a long time ago... when i was younger :d

kemaren sempet borong beberapa buku JG second dan kebetulan banget ada baca bareng Mystery Book's Club with host Book to Share,  jadilah disempetin untuk baca buku JG di bulan Maret ini... yaahh sampai hari ini cuma dapet 1... hihi... tapi lumayan lah dapet juga :D

i chose The Associate since the except on the back of the cover was more tempting... and the story was nicely start... all the tension is there... though the main character, Kyle McAvoy, whined most of the time... the story rolled very smooth...
until at sometime around page 300 something, i knew it's the time, somehow JG seemed lost interest and decided to end the story... then voila... he ended there, just like that... :d

the story was about a young associate in a big firm, who got blackmailed due to something he didn't do years before... he got assigned to tap confidential document in his office, actually he sole purpose by joining the firm was to get the document...

everything looked complicated, moreover there's a murder... but then there's no clear ending and explanation about the motives and who exactly behind everything...

John Grisham was too busy with details of the firm's practice... but seemed forget to prepare how he's gonna end the story and gave a nice conclusion... he just let the reader as confused as Kyle McAvoy, and forced us to just go on to live out lives... just like Kyle did... i hate it... XD

however, it's nice start to keep reading the other John Grisham's books or even a good reason to buy more... :D

i gave it 3 out of 5 starts


  1. setujuuuu endingnya kok membetekan banget ya buku ini hehehe...padahal tension ceritanya lumayan seru :D

    1. sayang banget yaaa... padahal ngarep bakalan ada kejutan di endingnya... eh tau tau... yah... gitu doang... XD

  2. Aku kira kisahnya bakalan seru dan rame seperti The Partner, ternyata mendekati ending justru antiklimaks :(

    1. iya... padahal aku udah berharap ending yang seru... tapi yah gitu deh sepertinya Oom Grisham kehabisan ide... >.<
