sebenernya ketertarikanku sama buku itu bisa dibilang random banget...
jadi gak lucu juga klo setiap bikin posting Wishful Wednesday dimulai
dengan "entah kenapa kemaren tertarik sama buku ini... " :d
but, you guys get the point lah yaaa... :D
mungkin karena abis baca The Plan [yang lumayan bikin gak bisa move on... kaya'nya harus baca ulang deh...] dan barusan The Associate... yang bercerita tentang kehidupan di kantor yang super sibuk dan juga persaingan keras antar dua korporasi besar... jadi tertarik banget baca buku Danielle Steel's yang paling baru ini...
POWER PLAY; Even though Harvard-educated Fiona Carson has proven herself under fire as CEO of National Technology Advancement, a multibillion-dollar high-tech company based in Palo Alto, California, she still has to meet the challenges of her world every day. Devoted single mother, world-class strategist, and tough negotiator, Fiona weighs every move she makes, and reserves any personal time for her children. Isolation and constant pressure are givens for her as a woman in a man’s world.
Miles away in Marin County, Marshall Weston basks in the fruits of his achievements. At his side is his wife, Liz, the perfect corporate spouse, who has gladly sacrificed her own law career to raise their three children and support Marshall at every step. Smooth, shrewd, and irreproachable, Marshall is a model chief executive, and the power he wields only enhances his charisma and is his drug of choice. And to maintain his position, he harbors secrets that could destroy his life at any moment. His world is one of high risks.
Like many women in her position, Fiona has sacrificed her personal life for her career, while Marshall dances dangerously close to the edge and flirts with scandal every day. Both must face their own demons, and fight off those who are jealous of their success. Their lives as CEOs of major companies come at a high price. And just how high a price are they willing to pay? Who are they willing to sacrifice to stay on top? Those they love, or themselves?
About Wishful Wednesday:
- Silakan follow blog Books To Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
- Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) atau segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan bookish kalian, yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku/benda itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
- Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
- Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)
Dari covernya manis, jadi inget salah satu film Thailand... apa ya (?) Tapi nggak cocok sama umur menurutku. Eh, Kak Riri yang waktu itu komentar di blogku ya? Kakak punya bukunya Kate DICamillo, wah kalau boleh, aku minjem dong *kedip kedip*
ReplyDeleteSemoga terkabul :) Baca juga wishlist-ku disini, Wishful Wednesday #10 : Heart Attack by Clara Canceriana
Thanks Asy-syifaa...
Deletebukunya Kate ada... tapi harus dicari dulu, gak buru2 kan? nanti email2 aja yaa... emailku de2via at :D
Aku udah email Kak, tapi nggak dibales, iya nggak papa, nggak harus buru-buru, tapi ada :D
Deleteaku juga demen nih model2 cerita yang persaingan dan politik kantor, seruuu hehehe...jarang banget baca danielle steele tapinya.. semoga kesampaian ya :)
ReplyDeletethanks Astrid... sama... aku juga udah jarang banget... :D