Turned out that I'm the winner for this GiveAway, yay!!
currently, I'm reading the book... so the review will coming up soon... :D
Thank you so much Indah... for making my Wishful Wednesday [5] came true, yay!!
udah kenal Indah berapa lama yaa… hihi… sampe lupa… beneran lupa detil awal kami berkenalan dan yang pasti udah lama banget… :D
dan yang aku tau banget dari Indah… adalah dia sangat suka komentar yang panjang lebar… makanya aku akan dedicated 1 posting khusus dalam rangka ikutan GiveAway First year anniversary of
Indah's Books Dreamland…
dulu kenal Indah di dunia maya, lewat blog trus ada FB, beralih ke FB dan kita maen apaan tuh yang Pet itu… lalu ada FarmVille juga… trus kita
Postcrossing, sekarang kita lebih deket gara2 buku dan
Blogger Buku Indonesia…
kita merasa kita banyak miripnya… karena sering merasakan hal2 yang sama… tapi walaupun udah lama kenalnya… kita "baru" bertatap muka gak lama… klo gak salah akhirnya baru ketemu tahun ini… but anyway, we're always be bestfriend… ;-)
minggu kemaren agak hectic, di kantor lagi banyak kerjaan (dan masalah), sampai di rumah "sibuk" maen game atau baca… hihi… [what a lame excuse… :d ]
makanya baru sempet ngecekin GA anniversary blognya Indah hari Minggu kemaren dan… hihi… terpana dengan banyaknya pertanyaan yang harus dipilih, dikategorikan dan pastinya DIJAWAB… :D
dari pertanyaan2 itu ada 7 pertanyaan semi personal yang bisa aku jawab tanpa terlalu banyak curhat… hihi boong banget… tapi haha… i'm a discreet persons, now i more selective to open up… that's why, i know though these answers are more personal than anything related to books, i'm still post them in this blog, not on my personal blog [which i'm not going to share to you here… :D ], but of course, this has to do with books, it's Indah's book blog anniversary, nothing less… :D
mau tau apa aja 7 pertanyaannya?
here they are:
- if today was your last day on earth, how would you feel about the way you've been living your life?
- if you could live your life all over again, what would you change?
- if you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you like to meet and why?
- recommend me a lovely place for honeymoon.
- ever get tired of life? what did you do to overcome those emotions?
- what's your one memorable moment that you want to relive again?
- the very one question you're dying to know the answer.
and i think i also like the question to describe my self in 5 words, is it? oh... it's
5 random facts about you
and i choose these ones:
The easiest one:
if you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you like to meet and why?
My father, why? Because i missed him so very very much…
aku bukan orang yang merasa banyak berubah sejak aku masih sangat muda sampai sekarang, aku ngerasa klo sejak dulu pun aku sudah seperti ini… walaupun dengan berjalannya waktu, otomatis aku juga menjadi
tua, eh berumur, eh dewasa.... aku merasa aku menjadi lebih bijaksana dan less impulsive, though not less emotional apparently… :D
Abah, panggilan untuk Bapak, meninggal waktu aku masih sangat muda, 2 days before i turn 17, nice timing, right?
it was devastating… but i live… until now obviously…
so many things happen after that…
so many times i wished my father still around… with me…
but sometimes, i guess it's better for him not to see us in a few tough moments though…
dari sekian banyak kenangan, satu hal yang sangat aku sesali… [hey, i know… i won't regret because it's a useless feeling…] adalah momen2 (yang sekarang keliatannya) lucu, ketika kami pulang dan kami sama2 cemberut, banting pintu mobil dan Mama tau there's something unspoken argument between us two… hihi… the truth is… what i remember…
i guess, there's something off in the office, my father got upset, i saw him looks angry and i didn't like it… and we, two, got emotional over it…
can you see that? we're so much alike… we both have soft feeling toward others and we kept our feeling inside, unspoken, just silently upset about nothing… i wish i was wiser and lived my time with him more happily… i wish i could made him happier then…
and still, even, i don't know if he's happy with me and how i live my life… i hope he does… at least, happy with the man i chose to marry… :D
so… that was the easiest question for me…
My most favorite one:
recommend me a lovely place for honeymoon.
Haha… i'll always recommend Bora Bora Island to be a lovely place for honeymoon, because it's mine… ooppsss… it's my dream honeymoon destination, but not yet… :D
years back, i got this lovely picture of a boy playing on the sand of Bora Bora Island, and i know i have to visit the place someday… of course, when i was single, i dream of it as my honeymoon place… but then… yeah… it's not cheap to go there… but still i want to go there… :D
anyway, if you love beach, you'll definitely love Bora Bora Island, though… Indonesia have lots of beautiful beaches… jadi klo emang suka pantai, sebenernya gak perlu juga jauh2 keluar negeri… di sini juga banyak banget koq… kami pernah liburan ke Gili Trawangan di Lombok… wow! keren banget… ;-)
The hardest one:
the very one question you're dying to know the answer.
"What's the meaning or the aim of my existence?"
well, maybe you might easily said that's my duty to fill my life to it has meaning to others… yeah, i knew that too… but… i also knew that there's always reason for everything… reason for me to be me… for me to be alive at this very moment… i really really would like to know what is the reason behind me…
i'm not questioning my destiny, i just want to know why… why me… so i can live my life without burden… i know i know… that's where i should have faith, right? just to accept what it is… to just be grateful for what it is… i am, very grateful… but sometimes i just want to ask, why me? why not? is it because i'm not ready? or is it because that's i meant to be? or not meant to be? that's the question i would like to ask to God, to the universe…
i know even if i know the answer, that won't change a thing, but maybe then… maybe with that answer, i'll live my life happier, maybe… ;-)
aaaakkkk… jawaban yang menyedihkan yaaaa… sorry, agak melankolis nih gara2 pertanyaan2 Indah yang dalem2… XD
last question:
Arti membaca untuk saya…"
artinya… it's my heaven on earth… really… i wouldn't know what i'd do with my life if i'm not happy to read… i'm dying to read all the time [when i'm not doing anything else… :d ]
i want to read as many books as i can… all the time…
i know that i want to be a writer, but that just because i want to be remembered when i'm not existed anymore in this world, that somebody will read my writing have some understanding of my message that i want to deliver to my reader… i want to be an inspiration to others… but beyond that i just want that i have something for other to read, just like i love to read others creation…
yah… mungkin sekarang aku juga belum membaca sebanyak orang lain… tapi untukku sendiri, aku harus bisa menikmati proses membaca itu sendiri… makanya aku juga gak pernah memaksakan diri untuk terus2 membaca… kadang berenti juga, kadang malah ganti buku… karena lebih tertarik ke buku yang lain…
dan tau kah kalian, kalau membaca buku itu menurutku salah satu hobby yang sangat murah… hihi… apalagi kalo udah ketemu obralan ya Ndah… modal beberapa puluh ribu, bisa dapet buku setumpuk yang entah sampai kapan bisa ngabisinnya… #melihattimbunanbuku :D
sehubungan dengan senang membaca lalu bikin blog buku ini… aku juga gak mau keharusan membuat review lalu mengurangi kenikmatan dalam membaca…
kalau memang lagi mood bikin review, oke… aku bikin, tapi kalo gak ya sudah… tapi baca ya jalan terus… :D
gimana Ndah? sudah cukup panjang kah jawabannya… :D
semoga blog Indah's Books Dreamland semakin exist ya Ndah… bisa menginspirasi orang2 lain yang punya minat membaca di genre yang sama untuk ikutan baca buku2 yang sudah Indah review… ;-)
Happy first anniversary…. ^^b
ps. picture 1 taken from
Indah's and picture 2 from
google search