Monday, December 5, 2016


Bulan Desember identik sama tukeran kado yaa... nah... anak2 BBI Jabo (dan sekitarnya di seluruh Indonesia) ngadain MARKITUKA (Mari Kita Tukar Kado) yang kedua...

Tadinya rada ragu2 mau ikutan atau gak... soalnya lagi gak ada buku yang bener2 dipengenin (*sumpe loh??*)... tapi ya buku gitu lhoh... Pasti ada lah yang dipengenin... :d

So, for my kind giver, here is the list, not in a particular order:

1. One Plus One: A Novel by Jojo Moyes - Kindle Edition Price $9.04
Tadinya perasaan liat di Peri+, tapi ternyata udah gak ada lagi...
Kenapa pengen buku ini... jawabannya sama seperti wishlist tahun lalu, sebabnya udah punya audiobook-nya yang gak didengerin karena gak bisa konsen klo cuma ngedengerin audibook aja... :D

2. The Girl in the Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz - Periplus Price Rp125,000
Dengan alasan nostalgia, pengen baca lagi cerita tentang Lisbeth Salander yang keren abis, walaupun bukan oleh pengarang aslinya...

3. Last Call by Alice Clayton - Periplus Price Rp140,000
Dimulai dengan Wallbanger yang penomenal untukku secara pribadi, karena salah satu bacaan yang memulai dan membuat aku makin menjadi2 sebagai ordo penimbun (abis kenal sama BBI jadi makin parah, hahaha... gak bilang kutu-buku klo timbunan lebih banyak daripada yang sudah selesai dibaca >.< )

4.  All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven - Periplus Price Rp144,000
Pengennya karena hip aja sih... Kaya'nya bagus...

5. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins - Periplus Price Rp126,000
Ini juga pengen karena buku ini hip banget... Penasaran aja, walaupun beberapa temen gak suka sama buku ini...
Covernya macem2, sebenernya gak harus yang ini juga sih... tapi yang ini yang paling keren karena movie tie-in...

6. Salt to the Sea / Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys - Periplus Price Rp142,000/Rp140,000
Dua2nya pengen karena dua2nya kaya'nya bagus... ;-) [Semoga belum dibeliin yang Salt to the Sea, karena lagi sale di Kindle jadi cepet2 langsung aku beli aja >.< ]

7. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz - Periplus Price Rp142,000
Ini salah satu wishlist yang udah lama banget, blum kesampean juga....

8. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes - Periplus Price Rp126,000
Favorite-nya salah satu temen, jadi pengen baca... :D
9. Raden Mandasia si Pencuri Daging Sapi by Yusi Avianto Pareanom - Price Rp60,000~Rp70,000
Hehe... pardon my imported books list, agak2 gimana gitu ya liatnya :d
Sebenernya sih bwat aku baca buku karya pengarang lokal itu gambling banget, sometimes I did like them, but other times they just made me mad... same goes to translated one XD
But I know, imported books are pricey... so if you don't wanna spend too much money on my behalf, this event is only for fun anyway ^^' - I gave you this one option, many people recommend it, though you might spend a little effort to hunt it down... yesterday I found it on market place such as Tokopedia or (I think) Bukalapak also have it, just google it.... but please don't give me a second hand or pirated one, choose the merchant wisely. Good luck yaa... :3
10. The Warth and The Dawn by Renée Ahdieh - Bukupedia Price Rp147,000 or Kindle Edition $6.36
Tambahan yang rada maksa karena keinginan yang terbawa suasana yang pada bilang klo buku ini bagus... Jadi ya sudahlah dimasukin aja... Kali aku berjodoh sama buku ini :D

Hmmm... kaya'nya cukup ya? List ini juga bisa dilihat di GR... sama aja sih... 
Dan seperti tahun lalu, nanti kasih tau yaa... kenapa kamu pilih buku "itu" untuk aku, pengen tau aja alasannya apa...

Okay, ditunggu kirimannya... :3

ps. Updated on 10 Dec 2016 8.40pm; 17 Dec 2016 1.55pm

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Trouble with Mistletoe (Heartbreaker Bay #2) by Jill Shalvis

The Trouble with Mistletoe (Heartbreaker Bay #2)
by Jill Shalvis

ARC, Kindle Edition, 384 pages
Published September 27th 2016

If she has her way...

Willa Davis is wrangling puppies when Keane Winters stalks into her pet shop with frustration in his chocolate-brown eyes and a pink bedazzled cat carrier in his hand. He needs a kitty sitter, stat. But the last thing Willa needs is to rescue a guy who doesn’t even remember her...

He’ll get nothing but coal in his stocking.

Saddled with his great-aunt’s Feline from Hell, Keane is desperate to leave her in someone else’s capable hands. But in spite of the fact that he’s sure he’s never seen the drop-dead-gorgeous pet shop owner before, she seems to be mad at him...

Unless he tempers “naughty” with a special kind of nice...

Willa can’t deny that Keane’s changed since high school: he’s less arrogant, for one thing—but can she trust him not to break her heart again? It’s time to throw a coin in the fountain, make a Christmas wish—and let the mistletoe do its work...


First of all, Jill Shalvis is one my favorite author, I’ll always love whatever she wrote… so this is going to be very subjective… but never mind, her work will always good for me. This one is also…

Willa Davis is a pet shop owner who loves pets so much… Keane Winters is an old schoolmate who didn’t remember her…

Willa has always crush on Keane, back then or now… but will he break her again just like before?

Okay… I think the story is quite different with the other stories I’ve read by Jill Shalvis…

Willa seems unsure, Keane also almost don’t have confident with his own feeling or with his own wanting…
Though, one thing he’s sure of that he’s attracted to Willa, even though Willa at first not willing to risk her heart once more…

Willa is trying to fight her feeling, while Keane’s also fight his feeling of wanting more…

I’ve shared my first reason why I love this story right?
Second thing that I relate so much is the demanding cat… if you love cat, you’ll love this story too ;-)

It's 4 out of 5 stars from me :3

Author Bio: 
New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras full of quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold and visit her website,, for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

Jill Shalvis' Social Links: 

The Trouble with Mistletoe Buy Links:

Friday, May 6, 2016

The Big Bad Wolf 2016 Indonesia

Untuk pencinta buku, apalagi yang juga terdaftar aktif jadi anggota ordo penimbun, pasti gak asing sama event Big Bad Wolf...

Event ini tadinya cuma ada di luar negeri, atau yang aku tau... ada di Malaysia, ada beberapa teman yang "niat" untuk tamasya ke negeri jiran untuk belanja buku2 di event ini... Dan harganya memang bikin kita lupa daratan... satu bukunya bisa sampai semurah RM 1... atau Rp3,300!! Hahah...

Atau bahkan di salah satu blog sempat sharing, ada juga yang cuma jualan kardus, kardus besar harganya RM 99 dan boleh diisi sampai penuh, terserah berapa banyak buku (mungkin ada syaratnya, tapi gak dijelasin di blog itu...)

Waktu dapat kabar BBW datang ke Indonesia, sebenernya kurang antusias... karena harganya masih agak mahal... yaitu rata2 Rp60ribu untuk paperback dan Rp70ribu untuk hardback... Tapi setelah dateng sendiri ke lokasi... Hahah! Malah berasa nyesel, kenapa gak dateng hari pertama... >.<

Tadinya sempet mau nitip aja, iya gak mo repot... :d
Tapi buku yang dititipin gak ada... karena bukunya relatif baru dan buku2 yang ada di BBW ini ternyata banyakan yang agak lama... Memang ada yang baru, tapi jumlahnya sedikit dan sudah habis setelah aku datang hari ke-6.

Supaya ada tujuan, aku browsing2 dulu, belanjaan orang2 yang sudah duluan dateng dan bikin review, atau sekedar upload foto ke internet...
Hasil browsing, ada list sekitar 15 buku yang rencananya mau dicari...
Hasil perburuan, cuma dapet 3 dari list, sisanya hasil comotan karena beberapa ada pengarang favorit, beberapa lagi ada yang pengen tau aja...

Banyak buku2 dari pengarang "terkenal" - contohnya buku2 Jodi Picoult, John Grisham, Stephen King, dan beberapa pengarang lain... - yang gak aku ambil sih karena blum pernah baca dan karena blum mau nimbun dulu... Karena balik lagi ke awal, dateng ke event begini sih memang memupuk subur jiwa penimbun... :D

Berikut beberapa tips & triks dari temen2 yang sudah dan datang duluan dari juga dari aku...
  1. Datang lebih pagi lebih baik, apalagi dalam 4 hari terakhir acara nonstop... Mungkin klo dateng tengah malam bisa lebih sepi, gak tau juga sih...
  2. Pakai pakaian yang nyaman terutama sepatu yang nyaman...
  3. Bawa makan & minum sendiri, karena yang jualan di sana mahal2 pake banget!
  4. Kalau mau ke toilet cari di hall yang berbeda... karena ngantri bo' tapi toilet di lantai atas dikunci...
  5. Mending didrop off, cari parkiran susyah... dan macet buanget untuk menuju ke lokasi (nunggu lebih dari sejam lagi untuk dijemput karena BSD macet)... Atau kaya' temen2 yang lain, naik kereta aja... karena ada shuttle dari Stasiun Rawa Buntu...
  6. Lokasi acara ada di Hall 10, tapi klo dijemput atau pesan taxi pulangnya, mending di hall lain, minimal di hall 6 yang juga ada acara lain, tapi relatif lebih sepi...
  7. Kalo bisa bawa koper atau trolly sendiri, atau sesuatu yang beroda, karena trolly di lokasi terbatas, beberapa pengunjung manfaatin kardus, tapi berat kan yaa... gotong2 kardus isi buku...
  8. Kalau memungkinkan jangan sendirian, karena untuk ngantri bayar ada triknya... Karena antrinya panjang, kalau berdua, salah satu bisa mulai antri dulu, atau salah satu bisa ngecekin keadaan antrian di depan... Pengalaman kemaren, antrian panjang ada di lorong2 antara meja2 pajangan buku... sampai di depan, antrian terpecah ke beberapa kasir... Nah, ada antrian yang terputus, jadi bisa aja kita langsung masuk ke antrian yang terputus itu... Bisa menghemat waktu ngantri... Oh iya, debit BCA gak laku ya di event ini... aku gak tau debit bank lain, kemaren sih pake debit Mandiri atau make kartu kredit aja... kalau pakai debit Mandiri, lumayan Fiestapoin-nya bisa dipake, walau klo punya cuma sedikit, kemaren aku dapet potongan 11ribuan dari Fiestapoin ;-)
Dapet masukan juga di Instagram, kalau bawa uang cash, mending ngantri di kasir cash karena lebih sedikit yang ngantri disitu...

Actualnya sih... karena pergi sendiri, kemaren cuma didrop, pas liat pada ngantri dan memang udah gak niat muter lagi, langsung aja ikutan ngantri... Mana tau ada kasir cash, sempet ngelirik ada antrian bayar pake kartu Mandiri, tapi karena antrian gak ada yang ngatur... ya sudahlah yang penting ngantri dulu...

Taunya sampe di depan, ya itu ada antrian yang keputus, beruntung yang bisa maju ke depan... karena dia bawaannya juga gak banyak sih....

Kalau antriannya lebih diatur pasti akan lebih nyaman untuk yang ngantri atau yang lagi muter2 milih buku… Kan masih banyak space di sisi kiri, bisa dibikin satu jalur antrian yang memutar…

Dibikin satu antrian aja, di ujungnya baru dipecah ke kasir yang sudah ready…

Kasir bisa dibedain berdasarkan jenis pembayaran atau mungkin juga dari jumlah buku yang dibeli… Tapi antriannya cukup satu, semua orang antri di tempat yang sama… jadi lebih adil dan efisien juga…

Memang masalah antrian sih momok tersendiri untuk orang kita yang gak pernah bisa disiplin klo ngantri...

Tapi yang jelas antrian yang acak2an bikin pengunjung yang baru dateng dan lagi muter2 nyari buku jadi susah juga geraknya...

Aku sih kemaren sebenernya cuma telat sebentar tuh... karena masih berjuang nyari boxset Narnia, muter2 gak ketemu, jadi harus ngantri sejam, yang padahal bakal bisa dihemat waktunya klo punya temen untuk survey ke depan...

Yah gitu deh... tapi seneng juga ada acara ini...

Awal2 sih banyak yang muji panitianya, karena responsif pada saat kita nyari buku... tapi kemaren kaya'nya panitia kerepotan di meja kasir... karena setelah agak siang, nyari mereka untuk nanya kira2 masih ada gak boxset Narnianya, panitia udah gak ada... kebanyakan bantuin kasir untuk bungkus buku2...

Katanya sih bakalan diadain rutin sampe sesering 6 bulan sekali... Kalo acaranya tetep di BSD, aku sih kaya'nya males mau dateng lagi... Tapi lain halnya klo bisa diadain di Senayan atau JCC... :D
Dan kalau bisa sih harda bukunya lebih murah lagi... dan penataan bukunya semoga bisa lebih bagus lagi, karena kemaren ada tumpukan yang tinggi banget susah ngambilnya...

Ini hasil belanjaanku...

Berutung gak ada yang double sama timbunan yang di rumah... tapi lumayan berasa nyesek waktu liat ada 2-3 buku timbunan yang dibeli dengan harga lebih mahal tapi ada di antara tumpukan buku2 yang dijual.... Hahaha tapi gak pernah kapok untuk nimbun...

Berikut list yang didapet dari hasil browsing belanjaan para pengunjung awal :
- Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
- Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
- Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
- The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
- More Than This by Patrick Ness
- Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness
- The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry - Gabrielle Zevin
- Anything by Stephen King (masih banyak sih tapi akhirnya gak diambil)
- Boxset Narnia by C.S. Lewis

Dan ada satu buku yang dibeli pengunjung lain, tapi gak ketemu pas aku cari2... The Creeps by John Connolly...

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wishful Wednesday #45


Minggu lalu dapet email dari Peri+ Best of the Week, ada buku ini discount 20%, the cover caught my eyes, such an eye candy cover... tapi... masa' beli buku lagi sih... >.<

Jadi... dibikin WW aja deeh... :D

Alistair Grim's Odditorium (Odditorium #1) by Gregory Funaro

Twelve-year-old Grubb lives a hand-to-mouth existence in Victorian England, working as a chimney sweep under a cruel master. After an incident at an inn, he hides in the trunk of one of its guests, the enigmatic Alistair Grim, and is whisked away to his Odditorium, a wonderful flying house full of incredible mechanical features powered by an enigmatic substance called animus. Now apprenticed to Grim, Grubb begins to settle into his new life and find a new family in the eccentric crew of the Odditorium, when suddenly his new world comes under attack by the evil Prince Nightshade and he is propelled into a perilous quest. As he gets caught up in the struggle, Grubb will learn valuable lessons and discover remarkable secrets about himself and his new host.

About Wishful Wednesday:
  • Silakan follow blog Books To Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
  • Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) atau segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan bookish kalian, yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan  kenapa buku/benda itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
  • Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
  • Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wishful Wednesday #44


Yay! It's Giveaway time... I love Wishful Wednesday so much and I really thankful for Astrid generosity to keep giving out free books as our wishes coming true... #bigmuah to Astrid...

And I wish for this one, one of my friend on twitter give it 5 out of 5 stars for this book... and it also has a good rate on Goodreads, so hopefully I could win this one... ;-)

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

It's early 1945 and a group of people trek across Germany, bound together by their desperation to reach the ship that can take them away from the war-ravaged land. Four young people, each haunted by their own dark secret, narrate their unforgettable stories. 

This inspirational novel is based on a true story from the Second World War. When the German ship the Wilhelm Gustloff was sunk in port in early 1945 it had over 9000 civilian refugees, including children, on board. Nearly all were drowned. 

Where to buy: BookDepository $10.43

About Wishful Wednesday:
  • Silakan follow blog Books To Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
  • Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) atau segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan bookish kalian, yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan  kenapa buku/benda itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
  • Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
  • Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

[COVER REVEAL] The Revenger by Debra Anastasia

The Revenger by Debra Anastasia

Expected publication: February 22nd 2016

~* Summary *~

The real hero of this story is dead. You should have met him. He was a beautiful man. The love of my life. I didn’t deserve him. 

Now what’s left are the jagged edges of the person I am without him, and what I have to do to get by. This isn’t even a story about love. Not really. It’s a twisted tale of revenge and hate—a happily never after. 

The only man in my life now is the one I have to kill.
I’m Savvy Raine.
I used to be a wife.
I used to be a mother.
Now I am the Revenger.

~* Excerpt *~ 

There was very little chatter after the alarming phone call. Savvy looked at the clock. It was only five, but the extra help Tallow had enlisted acted like she was about to disintegrate. When they were finally done, they hung Savvy’s costume from a door, fully expecting her to drop trou in front of all the strangers.
She looked at the silver outfit meant to demean her and classify her as his, just like all his other favorites.
“Yeah, I’m not actually going to be wearing that.” She looked from one shocked person to the other.
Tallow recovered first. “But this is what he told you to wear!”
Savvy laughed hollowly. “Yeah, he can suck his own d*ck for all I care.”
The atmosphere changed. The others now realized Savvy didn’t think it was a huge honor to be a f*ckhole.
“That’s not acceptable. I’ll put you in it myself if I have to, but you’re leaving here in that outfit.” Tallow bravely gathered up the skirt and came into Savvy’s personal space. He obviously thought she was just a regular girl.
In an instant she’d lifted Tallow into the air by his neck. “I’m not wearing it.” She stared him down until he began to turn blue. Then she set him back on his feet.
Tallow was a quick learner and smoothed his fancy shirt. “Okay then, let me see what else we have.”

 ~* Buy Link *~

ibooks: TBA
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AU:
Amazon CA:
Amazon FR :
Nook: TBA
Kobo: TBA


 ~* Meet the Author *~

Twitter: @Debra_Anastasia

Saturday, January 16, 2016

My Kind of Wonderful (Cedar Ridge #2) by Jill Shalvis

My Kind of Wonderful (Cedar Ridge #2)
by Jill Shalvis

ARC, Kindle Edition
Published December 22nd 2015 by Grand Central Publishing


Bailey Moore has an agenda: skiing in the Rockies, exploring castles in Europe, ballroom dancing in Argentina. Now that she has a second lease on life, she’s determined not to miss a thing. What she doesn’t realize is that item #1 comes with a six-foot-one ski god hot enough to melt a polar ice cap. She doesn’t want to miss out on him either, but Hudson Kincaid isn’t the type of guy to love and let go. And as gorgeous as Cedar Ridge is, she’s not planning to stick around.

As head of ski patrol at his family’s resort, Hud thinks he’s seen it all. But never has he run into someone like Bailey. She might look delicate, but her attitude is all firecracker. And her infectious joy touches something deep within him that he’s been missing far too long. Now he’ll just have to convince Bailey to take a chance on her biggest adventure yet . . . something rare and all kinds of wonderful.


Oh my God... it's really a fan girling for me... I love it... love it... love it... and I missed it already... makes me want to read another book by Ms. Shalvis again and again...

I really love the story, wait... I said it already... yeah, I do...

I really love Bailey Moore and I also in love with Hudson Kidcaid... I know that at some point at the beginning that something wrong with Bailey... but I love the way Ms. Shalvis was not dragging the story to become a terminal illness drama... And give us hope that even someone who have been sick for a long time still can have hope to be healthy and have dreams, big ones...

I love the way, that Bailey is not weak... and she's even so strong... I love that the story is so naturally end happily but still leaving some problems which are not miraclously solve in not a make sense term...

Yes, there're still problems... which they still have to deal with... But that doesn't make them unhappy... They are all can be happy together as a family and trying to solve the problem also together as family...

I love a story that telling not only about a couple, but also about their family... how they interact with them... and how their family influence them, support them to come to a conclusion which only bring goodness and happiness to them as a family too...

I don't why but I gave the story 4 out of 5 stars, yeah maybe it's more to 4.5 stars anyway... :D

Buy it in Print:

Amazon Barnes and Noble Books-a-million Walmart Target Indie Bound Powells Books 

Buy the eBook:

Amazon Kindle Barnes and Noble Nook Books-a-million eBook Kobo iBook Google Play

The Score (Off-Campus #3) by Elle Kennedy

The Score (Off-Campus #3)
by Elle Kennedy

ARC, Kindle Edition, 350 pages
Published January 11th 2016 by Elle Kennedy

He knows how to score, on and off the ice 

Allie Hayes is in crisis mode. With graduation looming, she still doesn’t have the first clue about what she's going to do after college. To make matters worse, she’s nursing a broken heart thanks to the end of her longtime relationship. Wild rebound sex is definitely not the solution to her problems, but gorgeous hockey star Dean Di-Laurentis is impossible to resist. Just once, though, because even if her future is uncertain, it sure as heck won’t include the king of one-night stands. 

It’ll take more than flashy moves to win her over 

Dean always gets what he wants. Girls, grades, girls, recognition, girls…he’s a ladies man, all right, and he’s yet to meet a woman who’s immune to his charms. Until Allie. For one night, the feisty blonde rocked his entire world—and now she wants to be friends? Nope. It’s not over until he says it’s over. Dean is in full-on pursuit, but when life-rocking changes strike, he starts to wonder if maybe it’s time to stop focusing on scoring…and shoot for love.


This is the third book of the series, I love the first one, the second one also still makes me love Ms. Kennedy so much... but this one... I guess it's my least favorite one...

I love Allie Hayes... I think I really can understand her situation... because after we're in a really long time relationship with someone and then we don't, we'll loose grip... and want or need so bad to cling to something... Something that can be destructive or constructive...

But Dean Di Laurentis? I don't know...

I don't know why he did what he did... although of his story, that he's affraid because he's still felt that he's responsible with what happened with his ex-girlfriend... I guess it's just an excuse...

I don't get the feeling the way I got from the previous books... Maybe because for Dean, everything seems to be all ready for him... Law school and then being a lawyer like his parents and brother... And also because everything seems to be easy for him... Yes, he did do something for this school... but then he's smart, so not so much work to do... This situation then bring him to the point that he seems like he doesn't have anything to pursue...

And also I don't get the attraction from Dean side to Allie... I can (again) understand Allie's point of view or rather feeling of being with someone like Dean... I guess she's just can do nothing, obviously... with all the charms... ;-)

But Dean? Why? Or rather how? Yeah, Allie is beautiful, Allie is smart... but why then? Then don't do friends before and then don't really talk with each other also before...

Am I being stereotype here? I guess I am, because I can easily see how easy for Allie to fall (maybe because I'm also a girl and just like I said previously that I can understand her position), but I really don't get Dean's side of story...

He has so much, I have explained that... yet, why Allie? Because she said no so much? Hahaha... not a really good answer...

Anyway, lets leave the mystery there... Maybe if you also read the book, then you can tell me your theory...

I still love the story, I gave it 4 out of 5 stars

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wishful Wednesday #43


It's alway good to start a year with a wishful thinking... that's why I make this one ;-)

Actually, I have longed these books for a quite sometime now and just realised that the second book is coming up to release in near future...

You (You #1) by Caroline Kepnes

When a beautiful, aspiring writer strides into the East Village bookstore where Joe Goldberg works, he does what anyone would do: he Googles the name on her credit card.

There is only one Guinevere Beck in New York City. She has a public Facebook account and Tweets incessantly, telling Joe everything he needs to know: she is simply Beck to her friends, she went to Brown University, she lives on Bank Street, and she’ll be at a bar in Brooklyn tonight—the perfect place for a “chance” meeting.

As Joe invisibly and obsessively takes control of Beck’s life, he orchestrates a series of events to ensure Beck finds herself in his waiting arms. Moving from stalker to boyfriend, Joe transforms himself into Beck’s perfect man, all while quietly removing the obstacles that stand in their way—even if it means murder.

Hidden Bodies (You #2) by Caroline Kepnes

Charmingly murderous anti-hero Joe Goldberg continues his twisted quest for the perfect love in this thrilling follow-up to the “deeply dark yet mesmerizing” You. When Joe follows the woman he wants to marry to the West Coast, he never imagines that his obsession will lead him to such tragedy.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mastered (The Enforcers #1) by Maya Banks

Mastered (The Enforcers #1)
by Maya Banks

ARC, Kindle Edition, 368 pages
Published December 29th 2015 by Berkley

What he wants, he takes with no remorse or guilt.

She stood out in his club like a gem, unspoiled and untouched. A lamb among wolves, she clearly didn’t belong. Drawn to her innocence he watched as she was surrounded by men who saw what he did—but no one but him could touch her. He summoned her to his private quarters. He sensed her fear. He also recognized the desire in her eyes. And he knew she wouldn’t leave before he possessed her. She had no need to know his secrets. Not until he had her under his complete and utter control.

What he wants, she isn’t sure she can give him.

The moment he told her want he wanted, she couldn’t resist. Instinct told her to run, but her heart said stay and walk the fine line between pleasure and pain. Though she wasn’t sure she could ever completely surrender, the primal part of her wanted to try, even knowing this man could break her in ways she never imagined. Because once he possessed her, he owned her and it would be too late to turn back. She can only pray that he doesn’t destroy her in the end.


This is my second book of Ms. Banks, though her words are not really my most favorite one, I think I like this one better, if I wouldn't say much better in the end.

I like more on the female leading character, Evangeline, even though most of the time she still confused of what she really wants, she has more determination on her behalf.

Although, she described as a naive person, I guess she's not dumb after all, and the good thing is there're good people who're willing to help her while her friends ditched her out of jealousy.

These whole situations make the story closer to reality.

I think, Evangeline wasted too much time by being confused of doing nothing. If I'd be her, with a billionaire (or millionaire or whatever) boyfriend, I'd do a lot of things even though somehow like she did, didn't have much of freedom... But one thing for sure, I'd be reading lots lots of book... >.<

But then, there's this element of the genre that I still don't like and decide will never like anyway... I confirm now that I don't like a BDSM story and willing to avoid it if I can at all costs in the future... I will not share which part I don't like because that would be a spoiler...

As for the man, or men I should say, I guess Ms. Banks has her favorite kind of men in her books. Alpha-male with hard characteristics on the outside but actually have soft feeling in the inside.

One part that I really like about this book, although I couldn't say about the next one yet... I love the ending... the ending promising a lot of things... which I hope will be good... ;-)

I still see the tendency of Ms. Banks for retelling things that already being told previously... it's okay to do it sometimes, but I just thought that she doesn't have to give her characters some kind of excuses for their flaws... Flaws what make characters more alive... that's my opinion...

I gave the story 3 out of 5 stars though I do hope that I have a chance to read the next one...