book is your time travelling machine, take you anywhere, anytime... book is my heaven on earth...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Another Notes of Wallbanger
I can't get Simon out of my head… (._.")
I mean he is every thing a girl wish for in a guy, he's cute, handsome must be, he smirks a lot, he's good in bed but don't push it too far…
he's adorable, he's patient, he's waiting… he never does anything Caroline wouldn't approved… he even says no to Caroline, when she's drunk…
Oh My God… am I exaggerating here? perhaps I am… but what can I say… I'm in love… >.<
have I mentioned that he's a photographer… travels all over the world for it? well, I have…
he knows what he wants and he keeps his word too…
I guess that must be enough… I hope that somebody in Holywood will make this book into a film, I would love to see Simon alive… :D
and tough, I must admit, there are things that I don't really get in the book, I really enjoy the book, and perhaps someday, if… only if I have get Simon off my mind, I'll re-read it... :D
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
by Alice Clayton
ebook, 280 pages
Published November 25th 2012 by Omnific Publishing
OH MY GOD! this book is so great… I definitely gave it 5 out of 5 stars solid and shining brightly all the way… :D
it's hilarious… the author must be crazy smart…
doh, from the beginning… I laugh my self out like a crazy person…
the story is about Caroline, a desperate woman, who though she lost her precious O.. yes, you know that right ladies… it's the big O stands for Orgasm…
from the first day she moves to her new apartment which she sublet from her boss, she get disturbance from her neighbor… whom, Oh My God (again) is a super cute neighbor…
I really fall my head over feet over this guy, Simon Parker, a freelance photographer who travels all over the world to catch beautiful sceneries…
OH MY GOD, this novel is too good to be true…
why there is also a super adorable cat? Clive his name…
I think I'm going to kill the author for such a heartbreaking (in good way) story? and left alone it's funny too… definitely very entertaining!
I know I don't sound make sense… :d
anyway, so Simon… while he's in town, he sometimes bring back his lovers… yes, you get that right… he has three different women to keep him company… :D
and they make noises!
until when Caroline, the neighbor who shares wall with Simon, has enough and she bangs Simon's door…
they meet, they fall in love… that simple? of course NO!
it was the first time they meet each other…
and it turns out that Simon knows Caroline's boss fiancee, Benjamin is some kind of his godfather, who takes care of him after his parents passed away…
they meet again at Caroline's boss housewarming party… Caroline brings along her friend, while Simon also have his…
the matchmaking is in progress…
what I love about this book so much is the way it values friendships… I'm dying to have such kind friendship Caroline has with her girlfriends, and how Simon is to be such a patient man… no way he could be ever exist in this world…
how Caroline is so matched with Simon, how she loves to bake and Simon is a bread addict?
and you won't be so much envy with them until their trip to Spain…
Oh My God (did I just say the words again?), the house is so perfectly beautiful… across the ocean and everything…
and the cat? Clive is so smart… and he and Simon become bestfriend…
what else would you expect from a story?
and I must say, that my favorite scene in this book would be while they are driving back from Tahoe for a weekend, they don't say anything with each other, but their mind is busy with their own thinking… it's very hilarious!
and… I guess… since this book kind of bring a negative feeling to my self, that I'm longing to find MY Simon… I guess I won't be reading a romance book again in the future…. hiks! I want Simon for my self…
I guess I'm driving my self crazy now.. :D
okay, this books is an unexpected one, I fell in love the first time I read about this book and I've been longing to have it for free and turns out that @mba_uti is giving it to me… *muah*muah*
after this, I guess I'll just turn to read the book I have mentioned in my earlier post :)
see you when I see you <3
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Blood Red Road by Moira Young
Blood Red Road (Dust Land #1)
by Moira Young
Paperbacks, 417 pages
finally finished reading the book, I was buying it in Changi Airport, Singapore on last March 2012, on my way back from business trip… it's my sister in law wanted an English book to read for practicing her English, and I thought the story looks great… at the time, me with the excitement of Hunger Games trilogy is interested by the comment on the cover of the book that it will satisfy the cravings of Hunger Games fans - MTV…
but when I try to read it… wow, the English is so weird… with different words from the way they should be, this book definitely not a good reference for someone to learn English, therefore I bought my sister "The Land of Five Towers" by Ahmad Fuadi instead, which is an Indonesian author's book got translated to English…
now, let's get to the book… I really can't tell where the story headed… it's a great story and I gave it 4 out of 5 stars…
setting on the future (I supposed), the world is different from the world we know now… and there are not so many people anymore… or the description is not really clear…
the story is actually very simple, the finishing is also very simple… though there's still some actions going on…
the characters are all great… there's Saba, our heroin, so stubborn and willing to do anything to free her twin brother, Lugh…
and also of course there is Jack, the super cute guy she came across…
there are a couple of great friends, their sister, Emmi, who gets trouble all the time but actually always the one who makes the story interesting…
there are Ike, Tommo, Epona, Ash and Maev
also, I'm looking forward to meet DeMelo who sets Saba free… he's an interesting character too...
the story begins when Lugh is kidnapped by the bad people, the Tontons and their crazy King… on the way after her brother, Saba got caught and forced to fight in the cage, there where she met Epona and Jack, when Maev the leader of Free Hawks helped her to escape, she rescued Jack…
it's her heartstone necklace that some kind of give her a sign that Jack is her heart will… it gets warm when she near him…
so with her sister, Emmi and Jack, they got going trying to rescue Lugh, along the way, Epona & Ash tugged along, and they also got help from Ike & Tommo and the rest of Free Hawks and some other free people also came to help…
eeehhhmmm… my english is so weird…
terusin pake bahasa indonesia aja yaa… :d
ceritanya seru, and I instantly fell in love with Jack, walaupun akhirnya gantung gitu… mungkin emang sengaja, supaya pada penasaran trus baca buku duanya… (--")
tapi aku emang pengen baca buku duanya sih… tapi gak sekarang…
tapi ceritanya juga agak aneh… agak sedikit gak konsisten… mungkin karena gak pengen munculin terlalu banyak karakter, tapi… it's so much coincident that the Pinches is the King's father and mother… eeerrrr… so weird!
trus katanya rajanya ini sangat berkuasa, dan Tonton sangat hebat… tapi koq gampang banget ya dateng ke Freedom Fields (daerah kekuasaan yang katanya dirahasiakan dan dijaga ketat), gak ketauan sama sekali… haaalllooo hebat dimananya? :d
karena dari awal bukunya dijejerin sama trilogy Hunger Games, mau gak mau emang jadi ngebandingin… jadi menurut aku sih, klo dari sisi details cerita, setting cerita, latar belakang, Hunger Games jauh lebih bagus… Blood Red Road ini banyak loop-nya… and I don't get the title at all… >.<
yang aku suka dari buku ini adalah karakternya, lebih hidup… walaupun Saba orangnya keras kepala banget, kadang kasar, tapi she is so live, she had feelings… beda banget sama Katniss yang jauh lebih dingin...
and have I said that I fell in love with Jack? he's so cute and brave… keren banget… klo di Hunger Games, Peeta gak hebat, but he has a big heart… and Jack? he just left because there are something he must do, man got to do what a man got to do… (--")
so… lets see the second book, Rebel Heart, quite a cheezy title… baca beberapa review, sepertinya bagus… walaupun kaya'nya Jack cuma muncul sedikit di buku dua… mungkin bakalan jadi cinta segita ya? sama DeMelo…
I hate love triangle… but it makes interesting story… >.<
the next reading is A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon - again by reading some reviews it doesn't really good, since I have bought it because I thought it will be good, then I won't expect much out of it…
Happy Holidays to all of you readers… :) <3
ps. please pray for me that I'll win the Wallbanger ebook - I'm really looking forward to read this one :D
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst
The Marriage Mistake (Marriage to a Billionaire #3)
by Jennifer Probst
ebook, 221 pages - owned on Kobo Library
it's quite tough… and i must gave it just… 2 out of 5 stars… too bad, since i kinda expect more out of it… considering many of the reviewers give it a really good marks :(
too bad i couldn't enjoy it that much…
the story is about Carina Conte with her ambition to prove herself and explore her sexuality… well, for these reasons… i must admit that i wish i could be that bold when i'm younger… :d
she has her life time crush on Maximus Gray (?) - was the name after the character on the FSoG? i can't tell… but they did mentioned about the book in the story… it even told about Dom & Sub :d
the good thing about the author is she's always updated by recent trend in our life… so we can really link the story to our real life…
the story is telling so much about Carina's pursuing Max and about Max's doubt about his own feeling about love in general… you note that! in general - so we haven't talked about their relationship…
i kinda sick of bored with the story Max's father is leaving him when he was little… i don't how many times the story is came up, but we have known and we didn't had to be reminded all over again…
i really can't help my self but comparing with the other two books, especially on the man characters, when Nick is so honest and open with his feeling, and then Michael is more on the man who's compassionate and know his feeling… Max? he is a confused man… :d
the girls? if Alexa is so smart and fun, Maggie is so bold and daring… Carina's? she's too eager in the beginning then questioning herself in the end…
hhhaallloooo… it's really tiring…
though the story is okay… i know i got it… it's about finding ourself, but… i just don't feel i fit in the story… if you know what i mean… XD
i expect more! and i didn't got them at all…
[SPOILER ALERT!] though, one question i raised on the Marriage Trap is got the answer in this book… :D
Mama Conte knew about Michael & Maggie's fake marriage…
it's one of the thing that i eventually like about the story…
the rest? i don't know… it's kinda hard for me to read the book… because i found it kinda boring… but almost half of the book, i finished it on one night… because i really want to know the story's ending...
it took me about a week to finish up reading, because there a couple of days that i didn't have time to read at all…
next? i don't have any wish list book yet… perhaps i'm just continuing the Pride & Prejudice… :)
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Reflected in You by Sylvia Day
Reflected in You (Crossfire #2)
by Sylvia Day
ebook, 255 pages - borrowed
"I'm obsessed with you, angel. Addicted to you. You're everything I've ever wanted or needed, everything I've ever dreamed of. You're everything. I live and breathe for you. For you."
this book is blowing my mind… i don't know what to say… didn't expected the story went that way…
i feel sad for Gideon, i wish that Eva is more understanding, why can't she see that he's begging her to be patient? XD
actually, the whole picture of Gideon's past is not really clear yet, but we can guess it… in Eva's perspective…
masalah buku ini adalah it tells story by Eva's side of the story only… if only there's also Gideon's… tapi mungkin ceritanya gak begini…
mau bilang apa ya?
yah karena ceritanya cuma dari sisi Eva aja… makanya sejak awal kita yang baca terombang-ambing sama emosi / insecurity -nya Eva… :(
capek sebenernya bacanya… bikin bad mood…
klo buku pertama capek bacanya karena terlalu banyak adegan ranjang yang terlalu explisit, buku kedua ini capek bacanya karena overloading emosi yang gak selesai2… ceritanya terkuak di 2 bab terakhir…
yang rasanya… bikin 17 bab pertama gak penting banget… XD
buku pertama dan buku kedua saling meniadakan… ngerti gak sih?
di buku kedua gak ngerasa dapet benang merah dari buku pertama, sedangkan dari buku kedua juga gak ngerasa mendapat jawaban yang cukup untuk buku pertama… buku pertama berasa tetep nggantung…
sedang buku kedua yaa… tanpa buku pertama pun tetap ada ceritanya di 2 bab terakhir tadi… :d
dan sudah agak menebak arah ceritanya, tapi tetep cukup mengangetkan setelah baca sampai terakhir…
[SPOILER ALLERT!] walaupun agak maksa pas di bagian case closed karena gak matching antara cerita si polisi dengan cerita tentang polisi yang masih menyelidikin Stanton… tapi make sense juga sih klo polisi drop the case karena gak mau susah payah nerusin nyelidiki pembunuhan orang yang jelas2 berniat jahat… tapi kenapa koq kaya'nya mudah banget… makanya aku bilang agak maksa… :D
tadinya mau ngasih 4 out of 5 stars…
hhhhmmm… kaya'nya mau ngasih 3 out of 5 stars aja deeehhh…
do i recommend this book? perhaps… i'm not really sure.
klo mau buku dengan cerita erotic romance mending baca yang pertama: Bared to You… tapi klo pengen yang sedikit lebih seru less erotic (walaupun tetep ada cerita adegan sex-nya siihh…) ya baca yang Reflected in You ini…
lesson re-learned! never read any reviews if you want to read the book…
i've been looking what other reviewer remarking in the book… koq berasa beda sih… hehe… mungkin kendala bahasa juga sih, atau mungkin salah paham… anyway… just keep that in mind!
jadi klo mau baca, sebaiknya jangan baca review ini… eh? udah kadung ya? :D
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