Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wishful Wednesday #27

jadi... Wishful Wednesday edisi minggu ini sama sekali bukan hari Rabu... harap maklum, soalnya sibuk berat! XD
dan dibela2in bikin hari Minggu karena ada GA... yay! #gratisan #muree
GA ini diadakan dalam rangka dalam rangka memeriahkan ulang tahun BBI yang ke-4 dengan event 13 Days Reading Children and Young Adult’s Literature... #HappyBirthdayBBI

jadi... pengen buku ini... karena pilihannya adalah Children or Young Adult...

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Dante can swim. Ari can't. Dante is articulate and self-assured. Ari has a hard time with words and suffers from self-doubt. Dante gets lost in poetry and art. Ari gets lost in thoughts of his older brother who is in prison. Dante is fair skinned. Ari's features are much darker. It seems that a boy like Dante, with his open and unique perspective on life, would be the last person to break down the walls that Ari has built around himself.

But against all odds, when Ari and Dante meet, they develop a special bond that will teach them the most important truths of their lives, and help define the people they want to be. But there are big hurdles in their way, and only by believing in each other―and the power of their friendship―can Ari and Dante emerge stronger on the other side.  

bukunya bisa dipesan di BD dan kalau kalian minat untuk ikutan GA nya... cepet2 cek ke sini... masih sampai tengah malam nanti koq... ;-)


  1. gua dulu sempet tergoda lho pengen beli nih buku :D apalagi demen bener ama font-nya yang kecee :))

    semoga terkabul yaa, Via ;)
